The time for change is now!
Support Dennis Keenan for City Councillor Wards 3 & 4
Working together for:

Strict Property Standards/
Bylaw Enforcement
It’s easy to see that property standards in our community continue to decline – council infighting has left property standards a non-issue for the City of Brampton and it shows! I will make improving our community property standards a top priority by leading formal resident consultation, modernizing regulations, creating incentives and ensuring greater enforcement.
Let’s safeguard property values in Wards 3/4 and be proud of our neighborhoods’ once again!

Community Safety
I have a young family and I know firsthand that the safety of our loved ones comes first and foremost. We should all feel safe in our homes, neighborhoods and the city in which we live. This can only be achieved through real partnerships. That’s why, if elected, I will lead the city to embrace tangible partnerships with Peel Region, Public Health, Peel Polices Services and our community non-profit agencies.
I will further ensure the city empowers its Community Safety committee, invests more in road safety, with a focus on speed bumps and other traffic calming measures, and enhances its Nurturing Neighborhoods program.

Respecting Tax Dollars
With rampant inflation and interest rates rising quickly, it is more important than ever for the city to demonstrate fiscal restraint and respect for your hard-earned tax dollars. That’s why, if elected, I will lead the creation of a City of Brampton Taxpayer Affordability Strategy. With input from residents, this Strategy will seek to set out budgetary guidelines for the term of council; ensure any tax increases are below inflation; clarify use of any surpluses; and, consideration of rate stabilization reserves. Such a Strategy will enshrine taxpayers’ ability to pay within the process and demonstrate needed respect for your money.

Job Creation
As an entrepreneur and business owner, I have spent 15 years directly creating jobs for hundreds of people within multiple sectors. I know what the city must do to create the environment for job creation to flourish, such as: actually engaging with established businesses in Brampton; enticing companies elsewhere to relocate and/or expand in Brampton; ensuring our existing tax-funded business incubators are working for us; expediting permit approvals; facilitating planning applications; keeping the commercial property tax class in check; as well as, envisioning and investing in public realms – which includes strategic grants for our small business owners and greater investment in our city’s only Business Improvement Association (BIA).

Ensuring a Collaborative Council Working For You
The constant infighting at Brampton city council has become intolerable, and worse, has meant we are not being served. If elected, I will not take my eye off the ball – distracted by petty political vindictiveness and tax funded frivolous investigations designed for reputational harm and political points.
It’s time to elevate decorum, depersonalize civic discourse, return to professionalism and ensure all of council is working for the betterment of Brampton. I will always weigh in on issues representing the interests of Ward 3 and 4 residents and on the merits of the matter at hand, not based on which Councillor brings an item forward or voting blocs.

Supporting our Seniors
Seniors have contributed so much to society and this city. Now, we need to support them when they need it the most. To do that, we first need to listen. That’s why, if elected, I will lead the creation of a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee that will serve in an advisory capacity to city council and staff on matters that impact the quality of life of senior citizens in the City of Brampton.
I further propose the creation of a Seniors Community Grant Fund designed to support senior residents and programs with recipients selected by the Seniors committee itself.
Let’s empower and support those who have already given us so much.

About Dennis Keenan
At the age of 6, Dennis and his family immigrated to Brampton from his hometown of East Kilbride, Scotland.
Grateful to have grown up with the support of Peel non-profit housing, Dennis learned early on that being surrounded by a strong community empowers one’s sense of pride, and as a proud 32-year Brampton resident, Dennis had become an advocate for giving back to the city, a place that opened their arms to his family, when he was a child.
An innately hard-working entrepreneur, Dennis has spent the last 15 years growing his companies through operational and strategic procurement, maintaining fiscal responsibility, and creating positive work environments. He knows that with his experience and drive, he can make the change needed now to create a Brampton that benefits residents of today, tomorrow, and the future.
As a proud father, husband, and active volunteer community member, Dennis knows that advocating for, and listening to residents, is what makes our community our home – a place to be proud of, to feel safe and comfortable in, to learn and thrive
This is what hasn’t happened in Wards 3 & 4 for the past eight years.
The time for CHANGE is now!